Hello, I'm Ayoub

I've been dabbling in software development and design for the past 8 years and I've been working on this website for the past 9. Guess it's time to launch something to show for it.

I mostly work in full-stack web product development with a focus on the front-end side of things. I have a deep love for building great looking, intuitive interfaces that enable people to achieve their goals in a simple and efficient way.

My current availability right now is fairly limited , don't hesitate about contacting me if you have a project in mind.


A little collection of some nice things I'm doing right now that I kinda like. These are updated every now and then so come back later, there could be something new that you didn't see last time.

I've been playing around with a lot of new design styles as of lately and I've been enjoying printing them way more than I ever expected. Here's a selection of my latest ones.

Personal corner

So, you landed on my website right? My website.This is where I take control of the narrative and dump a bunch of completely work-unrelated things that I care way too much about and that I for some reason crave to lay down in a strict code and grid-based layout for the sheer love of it. Enjoy the ride!


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I've been thinking about working on my writing skills for ages, especially when it comes to non-native language related writing. I thought a little corner to express what I'm thinking about from time to time, both work-related and regarding other spheres of my life could be an interesting way to explore this interest of mine and to see whether pratice can actually make me better .

Well, that's it

Congrats on getting all the way down here.
I'm thinking about giving people that reach this point a little reward but it's not ready yet. Come back later to check it out!